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Join PA-ACP's Keystone Contacts Network

Today, many of the key issues impacting your practice and your patients are decided in Harrisburg, not Washington.  Insurers, trial lawyers, hospitals, health plans and other provider groups are all working to ensure their voices are heard in the Capitol.

Join your Pennsylvania colleagues in advocating for the interests of internal medicine and our patients in Harrisburg.  We each have a role in expanding access to quality health care.  Serving as a resource for policy makers can help make that happen.

PA-ACP has a program and priorities in place and an experienced government relations staff representing you in the state Capitol, but your support as a constituent at home in officials’ districts is critically important to making our message clearly heard.

The Keystone Contacts Network works to develop relationships with Pennsylvania State Representatives and Senators and gives PA-ACP grassroots impact on policies and legislation being considered.

By becoming a Keystone Contact, you will receive legislative updates on key policy issues to help you engage in outreach to the General Assembly and the Wolf Administration.

Join us and become a Keystone Contact today.  Help us make a difference for your practice and your patients!

Have an issue PA-ACP should address? Want to get more involved? Contact us!


Chair of the Health and Public Policy Committee
Amy Davis, DO, MS, FACP
Email: amydavisdo@aol.com

PA-ACP Services, Inc.
ERG Partners, John Nikoloff
Email: john@pa-erg.com

President, PA-ACP Services Inc.
Rachel Ramirez, MD, FACP
Email: Rachel.Ramirez@jefferson.edu

Rachel Ramirez, MD, FACP
Email: Rachel.Ramirez@jefferson.edu

Help financially support advocacy efforts on behalf of PA internal medicine physicians and your patients!