2024 Call for Abstracts Now Open!

The Pennsylvania Chapter of the American College of Physicians is now accepting abstract submissions for the 2024 Regional Poster Contest/Doctor’s Dilemma Events in October!

Click here to find your region!


Eastern Region Event Page

Eastern Region Abstract Submission Portal

Eastern Region submission deadline: August 4, 2024

Western Region Event Page 

Western Region Abstract Submission Portal

Western Region submission deadline: August 4, 2024

Southeastern Region Event Page 

Southeastern Region Abstract Submission Portal

Southeastern Region submission deadline: August 18, 2024


The first abstract author and the actual presenter must be current ACP Members. The abstract categories and word limits are:

  • Clinical Vignette - 450 words
  • Quality Improvement/Patient Safety - 450 words
  • Basic/Clinical Research - 450 words

Word limits do not include the abstract title, authors, or references. References may be included but are not required.

Abstracts will be judged blindly, so do not include any identifying information (author names, institution names, etc.) in the abstract, or it will be disqualified.

Please organize your abstract using the following headings:

  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Only three abstracts can be submitted per the first author.

You may not submit more than two abstracts in any category.

You can only submit abstracts to ONE region. If you submit to more than one region, you will be disqualified.

Abstract Submission Deadline is 11:59 pm August 4, 2024, for the Eastern and Western Regions and August 18, 2024, for the Southeastern Region. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted.

If you have any questions or are unsure which region you belong to, please contact Zoe Ellis at zellis@lutinemanagement.com.

Good luck!