Welcome from the Pennsylvania Chapter Governors

ACP is the nation's largest medical specialty organization. ACP, founded in 1915, and ASIM, founded in 1956, merged in July of 1998. Membership comprises 159,000 internal medicine physicians and medical students. Internists provide the majority of health care to adults in America.

The Pennsylvania Chapter of the ACP is comprised of three regions - Eastern, Western, and Southeastern - and join internists together to speak for Internal Medicine and reflect the interests and concerns of our specialty. If you are an internist in Pennsylvania but are not yet an ACP member, we invite you to browse our site to learn more about the College and the Regional activities in our area.

As Governors, we have the responsibility of representing our Regions to the national organization; encouraging internists in our state to become members and members to advance to Fellowship; recognizing members; encouraging input and action on national and local political issues affecting the environment of internal medicine; hosting local scientific meetings and CME events; and encouraging medical student members and Resident/Fellow Members, and Early Career Physicians to participate in local and national College activities.

​This site has been developed to keep internists in Pennsylvania and our membership up-to-date on developments and activities in our Chapter. Our newsletters and details about upcoming regional meetings will be posted here along with names and addresses so that you can communicate with us.

Any suggestions you might have for what should be included in our web site are encouraged. Similarly, we would like to hear any suggestions you have for how the Pennsylvania Regions of ACP might help make us better physicians and improve the quality of the professional life of internists.

We hope that you will visit this site frequently and enjoy its contents.


Linda Thomas-Hemak, MD, FAAP, FACP
Governor, ACP Eastern Region
Ibrahim I. Ghobrial, MBBCh, FACP
Governor, ACP Western Region
Rachel L. Ramirez, MD, FACP
Governor, ACP Southeastern Region

Pennsylvania Chapter Information

How Do I Know What Region I Belong To?
The Pennsylvania Chapter is broken into three Regions: Eastern, Southeastern, and Western.

Interested in Membership and Advancing to Fellowship?

Review our Membership and Advancement to Fellowship Requirements

Member Feedback - Share Your Thoughts!
Your feedback is very important in helping the ACP Pennsylvania Chapter leadership represent your interests.

Stay Connected with ACP!

Visit ACP's Multimedia page for videos and more. Or, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date with news, events, multimedia postings, and more from ACP.