Honoring the Legacy of John Nikoloff
Honoring the Legacy of John Nikoloff Dear PA-ACP Members, It is with deep sadness that we share the news of John Nikoloff’s passing earlier this month. John was a dear…
Read MoreCongratulation to William D. Surkis, MD, FACP, Southeast Region Governor-elect Designee!
Congratulations to William D. Surkis, MD, FACP New SE Region Governor-elect Designee The Executive Committee of the Board of Governors (ECBOG) has announced the Governor-elect Designees (GEDs) representing the Class…
Read MorePA Eastern Region Event Update
and Allison LaRussa.
Thank you to all who attended this wonderful event focused on corporatization, consolidation, and commodification of healthcare and its impact on various aspects, including patient care and physician well-being.
PA-ACP Needs Your Help Now
PA-ACP needs your help now. Urge your members of Congress to support the implementation of the new Medicare add-on code, G2211, and prevent an across-the-board 3.4 percent cut to physician…
Read MorePennsylvania COVID-19 UPDATE, February 28, 2022
Pennsylvania COVID-19 UPDATE, February 28, 2022 As of February 27, Pennsylvania hospitals were caring for 1,292 COVID-19 patients, m25.6% ore than 60 percent fewer than the 3,341 people with COVID-19…
Read MoreThe Philadelphia Agreement for Gender Equity (PAGE)
The Philadelphia Agreement for Gender Equity (PAGE) About Us: Click image to view timeline Systems-based inequities are highly prevalent in Internal Medicine (IM) training and education. These…
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