Thomas Fekete, MD, MACP
Thomas Fekete, MD MACP, FIDSA, FCPP
Dr. Fekete graduated from Princeton (AB 1974) and Tufts Medical School (MD 1978). He trained in Internal Medicine at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s and in Infectious Diseases at the University of Chicago. He has spent his thirty-six-year academic career at Temple University School of Medicine where he served 11 years as Section Chief of Infectious Diseases and is now Chair of Medicine. His practice is in Infectious Diseases with a special interest in resistant bacteria, clinical microbiology, antibiotic stewardship and urinary tract infections.
He also has a commitment to teaching. Dr. Fekete has earned accolades for his teaching ranging from Golden Apples to the Lindback award to the Temple Great Teacher award. He has been a writer and editor for MKSAP 12-16 and a contributor for UpToDate. In 2016, he was named a Master of the American College of Physicians. He served as chair of the education committee for the Infectious Disease Society of America and had been an infectious diseases liaison to the American Board of Internal Medicine. He served on the Board of the IDSA and is now Chair of the IDSA Foundation Board. He has been on the Board of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia for twelve years and is currently Chair of the Board. He recently became the Thomas M. Durant Professor of Medicine at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine.