Highmark Blue Shield contracts with Temple Health
Highmark Blue Shield announced yesterday that Temple Health has entered into an in-network provider contract with Highmark Inc. on behalf of itself and its affiliate health plans. The Insurance Department and the Department of Health approved the action.
“We are pleased to announce this agreement with the Temple Health System. It is one of the leading academic health systems in southeast Pennsylvania,” said Dan Tropeano, Highmark’s segment president for southeastern Pennsylvania.
“They have numerous recognitions for their service to patients, including standout citations from Leapfrog, a nationally recognized transplant program, and they continue to expand many critical services lines, including services around telehealth. This is another key step as Highmark builds a hospital network in the region.”
The agreement with Temple Health’s hospitals includes Individual Affordable Care Act, Small Group Affordable Care Act, Large Group Fully Insured, Large Group Self-Insured products from Highmark Blue Shield and its affiliates in the southeast Pennsylvania region to be effective January 1, 2024, subject to regulatory approvals.
“Highmark and Temple Health have both reliably served generations of Pennsylvanians. “Our agreement ushers in a new era in which individuals, families and employers in the region have greater choice in selecting high-quality, customized and community-oriented health insurance,” Nick Barcellona, Temple Health’s chief financial officer and treasurer said.