Don Mathew, MD
(Western Region)

I graduated from medical school from the University of Kerala, India in 2014. I then came to the U.S and completed Internal Medicine residency training from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) McKeesport program in 2019. Since then, I have been practicing as an academic hospitalist at UPMC East hospital. In addition to taking care of patients, I conduct clinical research and have published multiple papers in peer reviewed journals. I am actively involved in the Medical Emergency Response Improvement Team (MERIT) committee at my institution, which is responsible for improving quality of care during rapid responses and emergency codes.

I obtained certification in Obesity Medicine earlier this year and I am currently working on creating a program aimed at educating physicians and other providers to use weight sensitive language to address weight bias in hospitals. My article “Combating weight bias” has been recently published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine (JHM).  I have served as a reviewer for ACP’s MKSAP (Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program) and for many peer reviewed journals.

I am very passionate about medical education. I love mentoring medical students interested in internal medicine and some of my mentees have matched to top programs in Internal Medicine.