Jeffrey R. Jaeger, MD, FACP
(Southeastern Region)

From 1997 until fall 2024, Jeffrey Jaeger, MD, served as Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 1997, he served as a primary care physician at Penn Internal Medicine University City where he saw patients, supervised students and residents, and managed the practice’s medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) program. He also saw patients at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center as part of the multi-disciplinary Addiction Consult Team. He served as the lead physician for his Penn practice from 2016-2020, and from 2020-23 was a lead physician for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Long-Term Care RISE program, helping to slow the spread of COVID in these communities.

He has been involved in advocacy at the city, state and federal level for topics including domestic violence, graduate medical education financing, and competency-based resident education. His current policy advocacy is focused on access to MOUD in primary care, and payment reform to improve the care of patients with opioid use disorder. He is a Senior Fellow of Penn’s Leonard Davis Institute for Health Policy, and was a founding member of Penn’s Center for Addiction Medicine and Policy.

He is a member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, the American College of Physicians, and the Society of General Internal Medicine. In December, he will be starting a new role in the Division of Addiction Medicine at Cooper Healthcare in Camden, NJ.