2024 Eastern Posters - Clinical Vignette/Case Study


ECV-1-24 - Localized AL amyloidosis of the colon: a rare gastrointestinal presentation

ECV-2-24 - Messy Minoxidil: Hypotension from Unintentional Overdose


ECV-3-24 - A rare case of Hypophosphatasia: A diagnosis that is frequently missed or delayed.

ECV-4-24 - Depression or Deception: Identifying Adrenocortical Carcinoma Behind a Mood Disorder

ECV-5-24 - That’s “RAD”: A Case of Renal Artery Dissection Leading to Renal Infarction

ECV-6-24 - Complete Heart Block as a Complication of Perivalvular Calcification from Severe Aortic Stenosis

ECV-7-24 - Ulcerative Colitis Masquerading as Clostridium Difficile



ECV-8-24 - A Rare Gastrointestinal Spectacle - Primary Gastric Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma

ECV-9-24 - "Overcoming the Odds: Successful Management of Disseminated CMV Infection and Retinitis in a Relapsed Follicular Lymphoma Patient Post-Bendamustine Therapy"


ECV-10-24 - The Perilous Progression: Anti-MDA5 Dermatomyositis Leading to Rapidly Progressive ILD

ECV-11-24 - Lead-induced nephropathy


ECV-12-24 - Solving the diagnostic puzzle: a case of acute intermittent porphyria


ECV-13-24 - Unravelling Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome: A Case of Patent Foramen Ovale-Induced Positional Hypoxemia and Stroke


ECV-14-24 The Neurological Price of Progress: Pembrolizumab-induced Encephalopathy in Metastic Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (ccRCC)


ECV-15-24 - Atypical Presentation of Endometriosis and Endosalpingiosis With Proliferation to the Terminal Ileum and Pericolic Lymph Nodes Mimicking Malignancy


ECV-16-24 - Stealth Infection: The Hidden Risk of Listeria Bacteremia in Aortic Repairs

ECV-17-24 - An Atypical Presentation of Hodgkin Lymphoma

ECV-18-24 - A Rare Case of Colonic Duplication Cyst in an Adult with Down Syndrome

ECV-19-24 - Exploring a Rare Association: Rheumatoid Arthritis with Pachymeningitis and Optic Neuritis.

ECV-20-24 - A Rare Case of Terlipressin-Induced Skin Necrosis in Hepatorenal Syndrome on Second Encounter

ECV-21-24 - Surviving the Perfect Storm: A Rare Case of Severe Babesiosis Complicated by Spontaneous Splenic Rupture, Subdural Hematoma, and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation.

ECV-22-24 - Autoimmune Overlap Syndrome: Lupus Nephritis with ANCA vasculitis

ECV-23-24 - Pyridoxine deficiency associated with Refractory epileptic seizures originating from acute ischemic stroke lesion

ECV-24-24 - When Two Rare Diseases Collide: A Case of Concurrent Sarcoidosis and AL Amyloidosis

ECV-25-24 - Early Repolarization as a Predictor of Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation in a Young Male

ECV-26-24 - Rock and a Hard Place Weighing the Pros and Cons of Anticoagulation in a Patient with Moderate Hemoptysis with Prior Pulmonary Emboli from Homozygous Factor V Leiden

ECV-27-24 - Navigating Rare Pathways: Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder Presenting as Acute Transverse Myelitis.

ECV-28-24 - Bilateral Subclavian Stenosis as a Complication of Giant Cell Arteritis Manifesting as “Hypotension / Shock” in a Case of Syncope

ECV-29-24 - Navigating the Diagnosis and Management of Pleural Solitary Fibrous Tumors: A Case Study

ECV-30-24 - Eggs-posing the culprit: A rare cause of Salmonella Entercolitis and Pyelonephritis

ECV-31-24 - Complement-mediated HUS in post-kidney transplant patients: A Case Series

ECV-32-24 - Recurrent Hyponatremia in a Male with Anti-LGI1 Limbic Encephalitis

ECV-33-24 - Expect the Unexpected: A Case Report of Giant Cell Myocarditis

ECV-34-24 - Secondary Evan's Syndrome - A rare presentation

ECV-35-24 - Hemoglobin Cheverly, A Rare Hemoglobinopathy Creating Dilemma in Appropriate Patient Management

ECV-36-24 - Atypical Presentation of Lemierre’s Syndrome with Complicated Sequelae of Parotiditis: A Comprehensive Case Report

ECV-37-24 - Radiculoneuritis as the initial presentation of Lyme neuroborreliosis

ECV-38-24 - Hypertensive emergency in cortisol secreting adrenocortical carcinoma on Mitotane and prophylactic hydrocortisone- Revisiting the indications for prophylactic hydrocortisone with Mitotane therapy

ECV-39-24 Myotonic Dystrophy Disaster: An Outside Hospital Cardiac Arrest

ECV-40-24 - A Rare Case of Bladder Amyloidosis Presenting with Painless Hematuria in an Elderly Female

ECV-41-24 - Celiac Disease and Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: An Interplay of Conditions

ECV-42-24 - A Wild No(CARD)iosis Entry In Chronic Steroid Use​


ECV-43-24 - Navigating Rare Presentations: Recurrent Burkitt Lymphoma presenting as a Jejunal Mass

ECV-44-24 - Rethinking Routine: How Annual CBCs Can Aid in Timely AML Diagnosis